Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Prayer Request

Dear Praying friends,

Some of you know, some of you don't, but our 1 year old, Christian Asher LeFevre, was hospitalized last night.  He was admitted into intensive care with breathing problems.  After blood work last night, and an x-ray this morning, he was diagnosed with a bad case (the Dr.'s words, what all that entails were not sure of as yet) of pneumonia and laryngitis.  The laryngitis has prevented him from taking any food, and any medicines orally.  Currently he has a port in his left hand for injections, and is under going regular breathing treatments.  Please pray he regains his appetite soon, and does not become dehydrated.  Also, keep Hannah in your prayers, that she doesn't get worn out and ill, as she is rooming in with the baby.  Typically a child diagnosed with pneumonia is hospitalized for no less than 5 days.  There is a flu epidemic presently in Bulgaria, and more than half the children hospitalized are there with it.  Please pray the Lord would keep him (and Hannah) from contracting it while his immune system is low.

Presently Hannah is staying at the hospital in Shumen, while I go back and forth from Dabravino.  Carrick, our 2 1/2 year old, is staying with his grandparents, and I return to him nightly.  Christian is such a happy baby, it is distressing for his mother and I to see him in such a pitiful condition.  We trust our God to deliver him, with the help of your prayers.  We love you all.  God bless you.  

William LeFevre

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