Thursday, May 30, 2019

Re: June 2019 LeFevre Family Prayer Letter

Apologies, I sent out the letter but forgot to attach the pdf.


On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 4:41 PM William LeFevre <> wrote:

"For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."  Psalm 100:5


Our praying friends and family in the Lord,


It sure is good to know that "the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."  Those three things: His unfailing goodness, His everlasting mercy, and His enduring truth are the bedrock of our Christian experience, the foundation upon which all are hopes are built.  He is good, has always been good, and will always be good.  Moreover, He is good to all.  In trials and tribulations, He is good.  In correction, He is good.  On the day of judgment, He will be good.  Because He is good and goodness personified, we can trust that He always has our best in mind.  He is merciful, infinitely merciful.  Mercy is for the guilty, and the guilty soul need never fear His mercies will fail or expire.  Because He is merciful, we can draw nigh to Him, trusting that by His mercy alone we are accepted, comforted and helped.  His truth endures.  It has endured, preserved, inspired, perfect and powerful, from when He first spoke it, to when I heard it and believed.  And we glory that the same truth that convicted, convinced, converted and comforted us will still avail for our children's children and beyond.  Because His truth is everlasting, we can be confident that what He has promised He will always perform. 


Hannah and our little unborn baby are still faring well; the pregnancy is progressing normally, and everyone appears strong and healthy.  Hannah is a little more fatigued with this baby than she was with the others, but she's put this down to her advanced age. She's 33.  Still, after much prayer and consideration, given all we've been through to this point, I feel it's in the best interest of mother and baby to return to America for the birth.  Lord willing, we'll return at the end of June, in just four short weeks.  There, we'll get Hannah settled and set up with regular doctor visits.  I'd also like to get into as many meetings as I can while there.  If you're interested, and I pray you are, let me know any way you can.  All our contact information is always at the bottom of every prayer letter.


We were overjoyed to welcome the Welches, my in-laws, back to the field after their recent furlough.  Bro. Matt is beloved by all our believers.  Wherever I went during his absence, people would greet me and then ask when Matt was returning.  When meeting Turks or Bulgarians for the first time, I would introduce myself as Bro. William, a missionary from America.  Noticing their pleasant indifference, I would follow it up with, "I'm Bro. Matt's son-in-law," whereupon their demeanor would change, and I was welcomed as a friend and plied with questions as to Bro. Matt and his family's health and well-being.  It's good being Bro. Matt's son-in-law, chiefly because I'm married to his prettiest daughter.


Meetings continue to go well.  We have open houses in which to preach and open hearts willing to listen to preaching.  We continue to have "fellowship" meetings every month, where we bring as many of our believers together as practical.  We have two services, with a meal in between.  Every service is directed by the leadership of the Spirit of God, yet, typically, we allow the first service for singing and preaching.  The second service is open for testimonies.  It's refreshing to hear so many "salvation stories" but also to hear how the Lord is actively working in their day-to-day lives.  Our next one will be in a few days.  Word has gone out, and people are already excited, anticipating seeing fellow saints and worshipping the Savior together.


Bro. Demir's health is stable.  He'll never recover complete strength in those areas of his body that were affected by stroke a few years back, but that doesn't stop him.  He battles a number of health issues daily that require constant regulation: his blood sugar and blood pressure.  Many mornings his head is "swimming" while he tries to get regulated.  Still, he has it in his heart to preach, to do what he can to "feed the flock of God."  Keep him in your prayers.  Also, his daughter-in-law, GΓΌlcan (pronounced Gewl-john), is expecting.  She is in her eighth month.  During her last doctor's visit they informed her the baby was breach, and scheduled her for a C-section.  That's their answer for everything, C-section or abortion.  Please pray for her and the baby.  It'll be Demir and Asiye's second grandchild, the first to actually live with them.  They are both excited to finally be hands-on grandparents.


We trust the Lord that you all are blessed, well looked after, and leaning on the same everlasting arms that comfort and sustain us.  We thank each and every one of you for all your help.  We love you in the Lord Jesus, and trust Him to meet and utterly exceed the desire of your hearts.  We are upheld by His power manifested through your prayers.  Continue, please, to pray for Hannah and the baby.  Pray for our upcoming trip.  Pray for the work here and its workmen, that our God would bless.  Love y'all and see you soon.


Because of a living Savior,

The William LeFevre Family

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