Monday, April 14, 2014

April 2014 Prayer Letter

"Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink:

but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full." 2nd John 1:12

Our praying friends and family in the Lord,

We have returned. Actually we've been in the states for a month now but haven't been "up" to traveling. Our flights over were excellent. We departed Sofia, Bulgaria, early on the morning of the 4th of March. All of our flights passed smoothly, our layovers minimal. We arrived in Nashville, Tenn., greeted at our gate by a Delta employee saying there had been an accident and that the person sent to meet us had fallen on ice outside and was consequently rushed to the nearest emergency room. Though exhausted, we fetched our luggage, entered the awaiting vehicle, and made our way to the emergency room of Summit Medical Center. There we found my mother, laid out wearing a neck brace, suffering from the effects of a concussion. We waited with her until they admitted her and then headed home. All in all, the last few hours of our journey seemed to eclipse the whole both in time passed and stresses endured. My mother stayed an additional two days at the hospital, returning to us better, but still suffering residual effects of the concussion.

As my mother convalesced, we waited to appropriate a vehicle. Our mission board has use of a Nissan Quest, graciously provided by New River Baptist Temple of Radford, Va., and pastor Gary Stike. After having a low-mileage motor installed, we were informed the vehicle's readiness would coincide with the Tri-State Baptist Camp Meeting at our home church. While waiting at Mom's, we were blessed to attend our home-away-from-home church, Calvary Baptist of McMinnville, Tenn. To be honest, the preaching of Pastor Fittis and the fellowship of the saints there so refreshed us, we were in no hurry to obtain our ride. Finally, though, Hannah's brother Matthew came over from Bristol and drove us back to East Tennessee toward the end of March. The days spent in camp meeting there were worth the time spent waiting. It was refreshing renewing old acquaintances, preaching and being preached to. From the camp meeting services of Brookside Baptist Church, in our new transportation, we headed back to Middle Tennessee and to the 2nd annual missions conference at Calvary Baptist.

The missions conference passed too quickly; had it been a month of meetings, it would have been over too soon. How can missionaries recount the works of God witnessed over years in a few days? Like the beloved apostle expressed in John 21:25, "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." In the recounting of testimonies and rekindling the fires of our hearts; in the reminding of the blessings behind us and the challenges before us; in the preaching, singing, praying and fellowship our hearts were stirred again. Were I not a missionary presently, I would surrender anew.

Having now obtained a means of transportation, if you would like to set up a definite time for us to present the work, my American cell # is (931) 252-1614. I can also be reached at (615) 215-1211 or at the email address listed under contact information. Pray for us. We love you and pray God blesses you all richly.

Because of a living Saviour,

The William LeFevre Family

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