As you recall, we weren't told until just a few days before when our visas were due, and then had to scramble to complete the paperwork and raise the funds to pay for them. Praise the Lord we were able to turn in our paperwork on the 2nd of September money in hand. However, we were informed then and there that some of our documents were not in order. It became apparent that our attorney had neglected to sign certain certificates of validation that were vital to processing Carrick and Christian's visas. We were told that none of our paperwork could be processed until these documents were completed correctly. We stepped out of the Migration office and tried to contact our attorney only to learn he was on vacation in Turkey for the next nine days. Finally we were put in touch with his secretary who immediately set to work to rectify the problem. Two days later we turned in the new documents properly done, and were told to return in two weeks with our final payment. Yesterday the migration police showed up at our residence making inquiries as to our work and whereabouts in the country. It was a bit disconcerting as we've never had them do that before. That night, Hannah and I prayed and committed our concerns to the Lord and trusted Him to work them for his glory and our good. We returned today, made our payment, and were told everything was in order and our visas were accepted. They even stamped our boys passports right then and there, something they've never done before. A month from now Hannah and I will receive our identity cards which indicate our status in the country. Praise the Lord that through all the unforeseen events of this application process, the Lord has supplied our every need. Thank you to all who helped financially, and to all who prayerfully took our needs to God and believed for their supply. Words cannot express our gratitude, but know that you are loved and prayed for often. God bless you all.
The William LeFevre family
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