Monday, September 30, 2019

September 2019 Prayer Letter

"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. 

But they said, We will not walk therein."  Jeremiah 6:16


Our praying friends and family in the Lord,

I've been hesitant to write this letter, not because I have news to break; rather, just the opposite: I haven't much news at all.  While stateside, I was waiting for something or other to report to y'all.  I thought to myself, surely no one cares to hear of doctor visits or our children's education.  Nevertheless, a number of people have asked for those exact, seemingly mundane, details.  Forgive my lack of faith in the depth of your personal interest and investment in us; I'm truly sorry.  I pledge to do better.


Hannah is now in her third trimester.  Baby boy is due to arrive on November 24th.  We are currently residing in Bristol, TN, in a house our home church has graciously provided for the occasion.  A couple of weeks ago, Hannah went for her blood-sugar screening.  Afterwards, the doctor, not being pleased with the numbers, ordered the more in-depth blood-glucose tolerance test.  Again, Hannah's numbers were high.  The doctor informed us that Hannah has gestational diabetes and is now considered a "high risk."  The fetal development will be monitored much more closely from here on out, and by a specialist, in addition to an increase in regular appointments.  I sometimes doubt whether I made the right decision in returning to America for this birth, but things like this help settle it.  Nevertheless, our confidence isn't in doctors of any nationality or education, but rather in the Great Physician.  He's already been in the womb with "little boy," and we're sure He'll see him safely delivered.


As many of you know, Hannah's daddy, Missionary Matthew Welch, returned in early September on a short medical furlough.  He was in dire need of a shoulder replacement.  He had been living with a completely deteriorated shoulder for nigh on two years and was in agony from the pain.  Due to a lack of insurance, however, he had put off having surgery, knowing the extremely high costs of American health care.  Finally, when he could no longer endure the pain, he resolved to pay whatever the cost to obtain relief.  As an answer to prayer, the Lord provided a doctor at one of the best orthopedic facilities anywhere, who would waive as many fees as he could to get Bro. Matt the help he needed.  A comprehensive cost of thirty thousand dollars was settled upon, and a date was set.  Trusting God to meet the need, Bro. Matt arrived on the first of September; had his surgery on the fourth; and in no time at all, saw the Lord, through the people of God, meet the need.  What a blessing!  Our God is able and willing to do exceeding abundantly above all we can think or ask of Him.


The work overseas never stops.  Last Saturday, there was a big meeting in Dabravino, and we were told a number of souls followed the Lord in believer's baptism.  That counts as "good news from a far country."  Praise the Lord people are still being saved.  While on the subject of the work, I have two burdens I'd ask you to pray for.  Please remember Bro. Mitko Stefanov, our Bulgarian national pastor.  He's in need of a car.  He's been in the work since he was 17.  He's translated the King James Bible into Bulgarian.  He pastors faithfully some six or seven churches.  He's been experiencing a number of health issues the last few years and needs your prayers for strength.  A new five-passenger Logan sedan costs less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), but ten thousand would retrofit it with a propane system that would essentially double his gas mileage.  With gas being close to six dollars a gallon, that system sure helps.  Secondly, please remember this winter's flour and oil distribution.  It costs about thirty-five dollars ($35) to provide each family a hundred and ten pounds of flour and a gallon of oil.  As much as comes in will be given out, and as many as can be helped will be helped.  Last year, over sixteen hundred families were fed. 

I opened this prayer letter with a familiar verse from the book of Jeremiah.  It has been on my heart for a while now.  The Lord said, "ask for the old paths"; that's my new prayer request: I want to walk in the "old paths."  I used to hear a lot more preaching on that subject than I have of late, but most of the "old paths" preached about only went as for back as the sixties or seventies.  Occasionally, you'd hear a preacher go as far back as Moody or Spurgeon.  Some Baptists with a capital B would make a point to go back to John with a capital J.  But the paths commanded to walk in by the Lord were already called old in Jeremiah's day.  It seems to me, if the Ancient of Days calls something old, it must go as far back as Him.  In fact, the old paths originate with and lead to Him.  And any path that leads to an activity apart from Him isn't that old and isn't His.  Enoch walked in the old paths, as did Noah, Abraham, Moses and David, to name a few.  Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah discovered the old paths in Babylon.  They wound through a fiery furnace and a den of lions but led on to the Son of God.  The old paths can still be picked out in our da,y too.  Just look for the garden gate.  It has Genesis written at the top.  If you enter by faith and continue in prayer, it will always end in the Revelation of Jesus Christ.


Please remember us in your prayers.  Keep Hannah and "little boy" especially on your mind.



Because of a living Savior,


The William LeFevre Family

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Security Notice. Someone have access to your system.


As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your device.

I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.

If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.

Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.

I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.

If you want to prevent this,
transfer the amount of $775 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").

My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1N6dubqFmnyQ2qDWvi32ppVbc3kKMTYcGW

After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.

Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.

If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.

Best regards!