Sunday, July 22, 2012

July Prayer Letter

"All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom,

and talk of thy power; To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts..." Psalm 145:10-12

Our praying friends and family in the Lord,

First, let me apologize for the tardiness of this newest prayer letter. The last few months have been a whirlwind of activity, and unfortunately the timeliness of our communication has suffered. The Lord's work is never dull and seldom slow. And we are grateful to be part of it anywhere, but especially here.

We've just returned from our English camp meeting in Romania, and our hearts are full. Three times a year we try and assemble together as a group and exhort one another through preaching and fellowship. We also discuss the state of the work and its needs. I am very pleased to report that, though the devil opposes, the Lord continues to save souls and establish churches. One such new meeting is in Sekulovo, about 45 minutes north of my brother's home. A year or more ago, there was an attempt made at starting a meeting there, but with little interest among the people. Two months ago Alish (the national pastor I'm presently working with) expressed a desire to return. After meeting with some of the people from the village, he said there were two homes that would welcome us. One home was newer, and the family a little better off; however, they were particular about who came to the meeting. The other home was in the poorest section of the village and was plagued with more flies than Egypt, but the woman, a widow, was gracious and hospitable. The Turks asked, "Which one do we go to? The one's a better place to meet, but the other has love." The answer was easy enough; we go where there's love. Our first service commenced with loud and joyful singing. As we began to sing, friends and neighbors began dropping by to see what was going on. By the end of the first service, twenty or more people crowded the room and lingered outside amazed at what we were doing. That scene has been duplicated every time we have returned. Praise the Lord. (Halfway through our first service, mid-singing, I glanced up toward the ceiling and discovered the widow woman's attempt at fly control: she had let a spider build its web across the ceiling. That was the busiest spider I have ever seen.)

We have had three big Turkish meetings since the beginning of summer: one in Romania, two in Bulgaria. The meeting in Romania lasted three days. The others were just protracted services, beginning around 4 p.m. and ending well after midnight. At our last big meeting in Bulgaria, by the working of God, we were able to see over 70 souls, saved throughout the year, follow the Lord in believers' baptism. Two of those baptized were from Sekulovo. Lord willing, we'll have at least one more big meeting in Bulgaria and another Turkish camp meeting in Romania before summer ends.

In Romania we also discussed our present needs for the work. As the Turkish and Bulgarian Bibles are still in the proofing stages, we are not quite ready for a mass printing. Regardless, the demand for Bibles, Bible portions, and hymnbooks continues to rise. Presently, we have one copier/printer working ceaselessly to fill the void. We are praying now for the money to purchase two more copiers and the computers to run them. We can buy a new copier and computer for $2,000.

As always, thank you all so very much for remembering us in your prayers. By the grace of God we are all in good health, marveling at God's blessings. If you think about it, pray for our visa situation. Our yearly visa renewal comes in September, and it entails quite a bit, both bureaucratically and financially. We know the Lord will supply, but pray for our faith. We love you all. God bless you.

Because of a living Saviour,

The William LeFevre Family

PS - If you would like to see pictures from our last baptism go to