Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 2010 Prayer Letter

Our praying friends and family in the Lord, 



"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…" Isaiah 9:6


Rejoicing.  This verse is precious to all of God's children, especially during this time of year.  Though the world seeks to deny our Lord, or, on those occasions when they cannot, at least twist the meaning to their own purposes, I am glad we can still rejoice in the truth.  We do not have to succumb, or partake in their diminishing of our Saviour.  We can still hold forth the word of life, and glory in the 'reason for the season'.  I am thankful that over 2000 years ago, just as the scripture records, in the city of David, a Saviour was born.  I am also thankful that our faith doesn't end with the birth of Jesus Christ (like some would wish): for our God was not only "manifest in the flesh", but also, "justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory"; and because He was "manifested to take away our sins", we can live through Him.


This verse is a particular blessing to my wife and I.  We rejoice first and foremost in the birth of God's Son, but the same God that saw His Son safely into the world, saw ours delivered safely as well.  Christian Asher LeFevre, 7 lbs. 10 oz., 21 in. , was born December 20th at 11:15AM at the Cookeville Regional Medical Center, Cookeville, TN.  The Lord answered so many of yours and our prayers regarding the birth of Christian, that we lack the space to recount them here.  Needless to say, Hannah's entire birth experience was as easy as natural birth can be, marveling the doctor and nurses.


Preparing.  So, Lord willing, now begins the final leg of deputation.  We are already applying for Christian's passport, and have been in contact with our Bulgarian attorney regarding our visas.  We have been busy packing our belongings into boxes for shipping, and hope to have them out soon.  Please remember us especially in the next few weeks and months, as they will prove to be the most demanding.


Believing.  Thank you all so very much for your faithful prayers for our family.  They have meant, and continue to mean the world to us, as they have secured our needs time and again.  And so I am confident that, through your prayers, the Lord will continue to supply all the way to the field, and beyond.  Please remember Hannah and Christian in your prayers, that they will both remain healthy, as Hannah continues to recover, and the baby continues to grow.  Also, remember us as we travel to a few more meetings before our departure.  The Lord knows the remainder of our needs, and will provide.  He sure is good like that!



"I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13



May the Lord bless you all.  You are in our prayers.  Happy New Year!



Because of a living Saviour,



The William LeFevre Family